Friday, May 8, 2015

Is Africa the leading job market? 

 Today we have more than 30 people competing for one job in the developed and developing nation each year, due to the increase of graduate students.  Job hunting has become very difficult and strenuous  for recent graduates because companies are looking for individuals with 5,7 and 10 years experience. Other people are lucky at  securing a job position immediately after graduation. Sometimes the job force is more about who you know and not what you know. This is particularly common in Africa where nepotism is highly practiced. I am happy to learn from CNN that things are changing and business owners are seeking for skilled individuals who are passionate and possess innovate, transformational ideas.This CNN link click here provide more information for those planning to relocate to Africa.

Solar Power in Ghana!!!

                     Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

In my last blog on Ghana click here to learn about the economy growth of the nation. Well, I stated that the economy of the country has been increasing despite the issue of electricity that has been affecting the countries for years. It seems like, Business and home owners has found solace in utilizing solar power to combat the shortage of electricity. I think this is an incredible development in the country and it shows that creativity can be born out of adversity. In addition, this is a great way for the country to make use of its rich solar energy and it is cheaper than using generator. 
BBC  " Africa is a continent full of natural resources, but one - the sun - is being underused. The deep and drawn-out energy crisis in Ghana has prompted more and more people to harvest solar power.
The BBC's Suzanne Vanhooymissen reports from Accra, Ghana, for Africa Business Report.

 B.U.Tful Friday/ weekend to you all!!!!


Since it is the weekend, I want to share a music video by Toofan with you. This music group are from Togo and have released numerous songs promoting Africa's unity. I definitely like their song entitled Gweta, especially the dance moves. They recently released a new song called the video below.



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