Friday, May 1, 2015

Architecture and Africa's Independence

The 1960s and 70s was the era of architectural revolution, but it was also the time of African nations emancipation from colonialism. According to Manuel Herz, the best architecture were built in Africa during this time. I think that the buildings was an expression of Africa's liberation from oppression.

Soldiers Marching around the Ghanaian  Independence Arch

                                               Upclose view of the Independence Arch
                                              Ghana's Independence Square
This CNN image is of the Independence Hotel in Senegal.

CNN: The 1960s and '70s were revolutionary decades in terms of architecture, and some of the very best of it was built in Africa.
At least, that's how Manuel Herz sees it. An architect and historian, Herz has recently curated an exhibition on the subject for the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany. The exhibit, titled "Architecture of Independence: African Modernism" focuses on some of the most dynamic projects built in the wake of colonialism.
"Some of these buildings are really the most interesting and fascinating that were built in that era worldwide, but they have completely fallen off the radar," he laments.
Herz focused on a handful of countries: Senegal, the Ivory Coast, Zambia, Ghana and Kenya. Each building, he says, tells a story about that country's hopes and aspirations. Browse through the gallery above to see what those stories are. Click here for more images.

Eco travel around Africa

A friend of mine recently told me about her new vacation adventure. She showed me some pictures of the place that she will be staying. This was how I found out about eco tourism. I was like, we need this in Africa to generate income and promote community development. I am glad to read on CNN that a Eco tourism is actually exist in Africa. Colin Bell, David Bristow and a group of environmentalist travelled around the continent in search of Africa's eco- friendly hotels and lodge click here for more information. Images are from Kiwi Collection, Luxury Travel Expert 

                                                             Dining of the Greystoke Mahale, Tanzania
 Greystoke Mahale at night
                                          Mambo Camp, Bostwana
                                                   Serra Cafema Camp, Namibia
Grootbos Nature Reserve, South Africa

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