Sierra Leone

                                                                          Country Flag

                                                                    A map of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone gained independence from Britain 1961. The country is bordered by Guinea, Liberia and the Atlantic ocean. Sierra Leone derives her name from a Portuguese explorer in 1462. The magnificent landscape made him describe it as Sierra Lyoa -the Lion Mountain.

                                                      Banana Island is magnificent

Banana Island is a great place to visit. This astonishing tourist attraction is made up of three islands-the Ricketts, Dublin and mesmeheux. If you enjoy fresh seafood, this is one of the place to visit in the country. The Island offers fishing, swimming and Africa canoe rides. It is also perfect for long sandy beach walk and scuba diving.

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary is a fascinating sight to behold. It is not only an opportunity to meet and see chimpanzees, but a great opportunity for hiking. If you want to escape from the bustling of Freetown, take a trip to the chimpanzee sanctuary. You will also find amazing, affordable accommodation close to the site.

                                                       A piece of history-Bunce Island
Bunce Island was one of the first slave trade station in West Africa. You can visit this former slave fort 20 miles away from Freetown.

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