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Liberia has a very interesting history that amazes me, the country is bordered by Sierra Leone in the west, Guinea to the north and Ivory Coast in the east.  Liberia was founded in 1847 after the abolition of slave trade, as a location for returnees reunification back into the African society.

Cece Beach, Monrovia

Cece shade with sun shades.

Golden beach is another beautiful beach to visit in Monrovia, Liberia.

Centennial Pavilion in Monrovia

More pictures of the Centennial Pavilion

This picture indicates the interior of Centennial Pavilion. The building can be considered as Liberia's
own White House because it is where state functions, and presidential inauguration are held. Take time out to visit the Pavilion, while in Monrovia. It is also situated next door to the national Museum.

National Museum in Liberia

National Museum, Monrovia

Artefacts in the Museum

The museum contains interesting rich historical information about the countries history, tradition and various tribe art work.

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