Saturday, April 25, 2015

World Happiest People 

A recent survey shows that people living in Switzerland are the happiest people in the world, and Libya has the happiest people in Africa, while Togo and Benin made the top least happiest people. I don't know how I feel about this survey because many people in Africa are very much happy with little. I guess the question is how was the survey conducted? What are the components of happiness? 

This BBC report provides more information on the survey...
The World Happiness Report examined 158 countries and is aimed at influencing government policy.
World's Happiest Countries
World's Least Happy Countries
1. Switzerland 1. Togo
2. Iceland 2. Burundi
3. Denmark 3. Syria
4. Norway 4. Benin
5. Canada 5. Rwanda
The study bases its rankings on data from the Gallup World Poll and takes into account variables such as real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, corruption levels and social freedoms.
"Increasingly happiness is considered a proper measure of social progress and goal of public policy," the report said.
"A rapidly increasing number of national and local governments are using happiness data and research in their search for policies that could enable people to live better lives".
The SDSN is comprised of people from academia, government and the private sector and was first launched in 2012.

The Mail&Guardian Put the 10 Happiest and Unhappiest together from the Gallup World Poll.

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