Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tidal and Nigeria

For those of you who haven't heard about Tidal, it is an online music streaming service that Jay Z launched, during the month of March 2015.  Celebrities believe that Tidal will help protect their music from piracy and also increase their profit. With service backers like Rihanna, Madonna, Kanye West, and of course, the Queen Bee herself(Beyonce), some people still claims that Tidal is not doing very well. This statement made Jay Z himself to go on twitter and set the record straight about Tidal net profit. You might be wondering why I'm writing about Jay Z. Well, that is because he mention on twitter that his cousin is in Nigeria scouting for talents .I guess it's a plus for Tidal because they are promoting diversity!

Billboard posted some images of the Tidal Wave Launch

Nigeria is pretty popular, populous and well know for it's entertainment industry. It has the largest entertainment industry in Africa and the third biggest in the world! Which could also explain the reason why AKA of South Africa felt at home in Nigeria. He is in Nigeria at the moment for his show, it will be held in Abuja.


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